(Warning...This is a little long!)
The first and most important thing you have to keep in mind is that everyone is different. I am not speaking for everyone here and I'm not guaranteeing that all these ideas will comfort someone else. These are just ideas of what I prefer from my own experience, so please exercise caution and don't assume that what one person prefers to hear is the same for another. No one likes to have to talk about something like this. Just be honest, especially if you know the person well. Tell them that you don't know what to say. Ask them if they like to talk about their loved one or if they prefer to keep it to themselves.
For me, I LOVE talking about Hailey. I LOVE when people ask about her or tell me memories of her. I feel like it validates her and her life. It validates that she was a living human being who was deeply loved. It validates that she is and always will be a part of our family. I LOVE hearing people's dime stories. I've had people tell me they weren't sure if they should share them or not because they felt that dimes were my thing and they didn't want to take that away from me. But honestly, I absolutely LOVE hearing them. The thought that seeing a dime would make you think of my little angel is such an honor for me! Sometimes your stories are the dime that I was looking for that day! I've received stories from people about how finding a dime changed their day or way of thinking in a situation as they thought of Hailey. What an honor! So as for me, I'm asking that you keep them coming. I save EVERY single story and/or dime I'm given! Now, that being said, there may be people who would feel that their "sign" is very personal and sacred to them and therefore wouldn't necessarily want others to be a part of it. That's totally fine too. Just ask them.
I've learned that there is no wrong way to grieve. I have a friend who passed away when I was on my honeymoon, almost 8 years ago. Her mother still has her room exactly the way it was when she died. They even buy things to put in it when away on vacations, etc. It seems to really give them comfort, which I think is absolutely wonderful! They have found what works for them. I have another good friend who's father passed away last May. She was telling me how she still hasn't been able to cancel his cell phone service. She likes to call it to hear his voice. Again, I think that is so neat! As for me, I put Ava in the same crib that Hailey passed away in. Some people would find that absolutely crazy and that is completely okay. However, for me, it worked. I had the crib blessed and felt that it would be safe and watched over by her angel of a sister. I also haven't touched Hailey's clothes yet...they still lay folded in her drawers and hang in her closet and they may stay that way for years, who knows! (I have also come to the realization that Ava won't be able to wear Hailey's hand me downs...the memories are just too painful.) The most important thing is not to judge. You can NEVER know what you would do in such a situation until you've been there. Again, everyone is different and needs to do what comforts them and gets them through each day.
I know this is getting a little lengthy and I could write about it for days, so let me get to my list I made. (And once again, I cannot remind you enough that these are my personal preferences...not necessarily everyone else's.)
WHAT NOT TO SAY and/or Do:
(First off, if you've ever said any of these things to me, please don't worry about it. Honestly, I don't remember and I also don't get offended very easily. I know that everyone means well and would never say anything intentional to hurt me.)
I know this is getting a little lengthy and I could write about it for days, so let me get to my list I made. (And once again, I cannot remind you enough that these are my personal preferences...not necessarily everyone else's.)
WHAT NOT TO SAY and/or Do:
(First off, if you've ever said any of these things to me, please don't worry about it. Honestly, I don't remember and I also don't get offended very easily. I know that everyone means well and would never say anything intentional to hurt me.)
- She's in a better place. - Although I do believe that, I selfishly want her here with me. I don't think anyone truly wants their loved on in that better place?
- Time heals all wounds. - I don't necessarily agree with that. The pain may be less intense, but the wound is still there. (Like a cut that has formed a scar. Although the cut has healed and the pain lessened, the scar will never go away and that skin is now more sensitive.)
- One day you'll move on. - Umm...no I won't. To me, "moving on," implies that I'm over it. I prefer the term "moving forward." I feel like moving on is something you do after a breakup...I'll never move on or get over this, however I will continue to move forward in my life.
- All things happen for a reason. - Honestly, it doesn't matter what the reason is, good or bad, none is good enough for me to have to live without my daughter.
- R.I.P. - This reminds me of old gravestones in a scary cemetery on Halloween.
- Are you going to have more kids? - That's not the first thing on my mind right now. Just wait and see...
- I know, can imagine, or understand how you feel. - Unless you've lost a child, trust me, you don't know, cannot imagine, or understand how I feel. And even if you have, we're still very different.
- Don't expect a call or message back. - It's not that we don't want to return your call or email, but honestly, it gets so overwhelming sometimes. I guarantee you that your message was received and extremely appreciated.
- Don't judge or criticize.
- Don't ask what happened or pry for details. - Especially if you don't know the person well. Trust me, they'll share if they want.
- Don't disappear. - We desperately need you. Even if we don't respond to you all the time, please don't give up on us. I tell my friends that I'd rather have them around and/or say the wrong thing than not be around and/or say nothing at all.
WHAT TO SAY and/or DO:
- I'm so sorry. - I think that's the most honest thing anyone can say.
- Share a memory. - If you knew the person who passed away, share a good memory you have of them. I LOVE hearing memories that others have of Hailey. (One of my most cherished gifts that I received after Hailey passed away was a letter from her nursery leader sharing some of her favorite memories of Hailey. I would have never known that the Sunday before she passed away she went to her nursery leader and said, "Teacher." To which she replied, "What Hailey?" Hailey responded, "Me know Jesus." I cannot tell you what that memory has meant to me.)
- Just listen. - Don't try to give advice or fix the situation...no offense, but you can't!
- Send a card, email, text, etc. - Continue to let the person know you're still thinking of them and haven't forgotten their pain or loss. Mark the yearly anniversary of the passing or the person's birthday on your calendar and make sure to acknowledge it. (I have a friend who is the parent of one of the children in Lexi's class. She knew Hailey well and I see her everyday when dropping our kids off. One day she emailed me and said, "I decided that from now on, every time that I see you, I'm going to say a little prayer for you in my heart." I found that to mean so much!) (I also randomly received a beautiful rose tree from two of Hailey's therapists in her honor. It can out of the blue, on a day that I really needed it. That's something that I can tend to and nurture as I think about my little girl!)
- Admit that there are no words or you really just don't know what to say.
- Talk about the person who passed. - Acknowledge their life and what they meant to you and the person who's grieving.
- Be honest and tell the person how you feel. - One of my closest friends wrote me a letter telling me how she felt seeing me go through this. She expressed her concern and sadness that I may never be the same again. She shared with me how she wasn't sure how to act around me or what to say. She told me about how she was afraid to vent to me about her children anymore because it would hurt me. I was honored that she felt close enough to me to be able to do that. We were able to talk and I was able to clear up some of her concerns and misconceptions, which really helped our relationship stay as strong as before. There was never any awkwardness when we were together. (FYI: Make sure you know the person very well before doing something like this!)
- Visit the cemetery and leave something...even if it's just a little note. - I cannot express the joy and excitement I get when I go to visit Hailey and see that someone else took time out of their day to remember my baby girl! It's the best feeling!
- Do or send something special or unique to the person who passed away. - The Sunday after Hailey passed away her nursery leader had given each child their own little bag of Lay's potato chips for a snack in honor of her. She didn't know that we would stop by to see that and she definitely didn't know what that little gesture would mean to me. I will never forget that!!! It made me feel like Hailey was someone there and meant something.
Once again...these are just ideas and suggestions and may not be appropriate for everyone. Use your own discretion. However, I hope they will give you a little guidance if you ever need it.
Lastly, to those of you who have dealt with a devastating loss, really try to cut others some slack. It's such a difficult, uncomfortable situation and no one ever wants to say anything rude or hurt your feelings. Remember we're all different. If someone says something that bothers you or offends you, try to take it with a grain of salt and remember that they would never intentionally hurt you.
Lastly, to those of you who have dealt with a devastating loss, really try to cut others some slack. It's such a difficult, uncomfortable situation and no one ever wants to say anything rude or hurt your feelings. Remember we're all different. If someone says something that bothers you or offends you, try to take it with a grain of salt and remember that they would never intentionally hurt you.