This blog is an uncensored look into my soul. I am writing this as part of my healing process, but am leaving it public so others can follow me through my journey.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Article On The Death Of A Child

A friend of mine posted the link to this article on her Facebook page.  The author doesn't hold back! She really says it how it is! I have to say if you read this article that much of it does apply to me, however I have felt very loved and supported throughout my grieving process. Thank you all for continuing to be there for my family and me with your phone calls, notes, texts, Facebook posts and likes, etc, etc. I truly have great people in my life, unfortunately I know many who aren't so lucky.

Click on the title to be directed to the article:

10 Points I Wish Everyone Knew About The Death Of A Child

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